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Automation of Cattle Management

20 Hours

Before Automation

9.58 Hours

After VBA Automation

10.4 Hours

Time Saved per month

  • Industry:
  • Dairy Farm

Company Profile: It is a subsidiary of Indian multi brand retail chain that deals in mobile phone, connection and accessories; headquarter in Chennai, India.

  • Department:
  •  Finance
  • Tool(s) Used:
  • Microsoft Excel VB Programming (Macro)

Need for Automation:

I am responsible to record and maintain every fine detail of the cattle’s in a master datasheet like Purchase, Artificial insemination, New Born, Cattle pregnancy, Lactation Status, Total Milk Yield etc. and generate precise reports on a daily basis, to be shared with the management.

The main objective for this automation is to get in-time reports for timely decision and, to avoid any data chaos or loss while handling large number of cattle in a growing dairy company.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Activity # Description Frequency (Monthly) Time Consumed - Manually Time Consumed - After Automation Total Time Savings Per Activity (per day) Total Time Saved Per month
1 Data Entry 5 Times 120 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 300 Minutes
2 Identifying Breed 5 Times 30 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 75 Minutes
3 Identifying Lactation Status 5 Times 30 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 75 Minutes
4 Identifying Cattle Count 5 Times 30 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 75 Minutes
5 Filtering Data Breed wise 5 Times 30 Minutes 10 Minutes 20 Minutes 100 Minutes

Cost-Benefit Analysis (Post Macro Implementation)


Data Entry


5 Times

Time consumed manually

120 Minutes

Time Consumed for automated activity

60 Minutes

Total time savings per activity

60 Minutes

Total time saved Per month

300 Minutes


Identifying Breed


5 Times

Time consumed manually

30 Minutes

Time Consumed for automated activity

15 Minutes

Total time savings per activity

15 Minutes

Total time saved Per month

75 Minutes


Identifying Lactation Status


5 Times

Time consumed manually

30 Minutes

Time Consumed for automated activity

15 Minutes

Total time savings per activity

15 Minutes

Total time saved Per month

75 Minutes


Identifying Cattle Count


5 Times

Time consumed manually

30 Minutes

Time Consumed for automated activity

15 Minutes

Total time savings per activity

15 Minutes

Total time saved Per month

75 Minutes


Filtering Data Breed wise


5 Times

Time consumed manually

30 Minutes

Time Consumed for automated activity

10 Minutes

Total time savings per activity

20 Minutes

Total time saved Per month

100 Minutes

Join our 10-day online session and learn how to automate your Excel Reports and Processes using VBA Programming. No prior programming experience needed!.

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Date:
  • Sunday, July 11
  • Time:
  • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (ET)

Proficiency with Excel formulas is a prerequisite. Not sure about your skills? Schedule a pre-assessment at 650-491-3131 to gauge your Excel proficiency.

You'll dive into 90 practical scenarios, explore 7 case studies, and complete a Live VBA Project.

Ready to learn Excel VBA Macro?