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Automation of Bi-Hourly Report

2.5 Hours

Before Automation

30 Minutes

After VBA Automation

2 Hours

Time Saved per month

  • Industry:
  • Online Shopping

Company Profile: It is an American e-commerce and cloud computing company based in Seattle, Washington, served as largest internet retailer in the world.

  • Department:
  • Operations
  • Tool(s) Used:
  • Microsoft Excel VB Programming (Macro)

Need for Automation:

The team spends the effortless time to collate the lead data and project a daily report in every 2 hours of time. The work is so tedious such that any intervention can affect the whole report and thus automation needed to reduce the required man-hours and avoid the manual errors.

Cost-Benefit Analysis (Post Macro Implementation)

Total No Of Leads


Time Taken by each Lead before Macro


Time Taken by each Lead after Macro


Join our 10-day online session and learn how to automate your Excel Reports and Processes using VBA Programming. No prior programming experience needed!.

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Date:
  • Sunday, July 11
  • Time:
  • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (ET)

Proficiency with Excel formulas is a prerequisite. Not sure about your skills? Schedule a pre-assessment at 650-491-3131 to gauge your Excel proficiency.

You'll dive into 90 practical scenarios, explore 7 case studies, and complete a Live VBA Project.

Ready to learn Excel VBA Macro?