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Research Sales Tracking

10 Hours

Before Automation

50 Minutes

After VBA Automation

9.17 Hours

Time Saved per month

  • Industry:
  • Newspaper, Periodicals

Company Profile: It is an American publishing conglomerate based in Detroit, Michigan publishes a variety of trade, newspaper, Internet versions of these papers and email news.

  • Department:
  •  R&D
  • Tool(s) Used:
  • Microsoft Excel VB Programming (Macro)

Need for Automation:

I am required to track the sales lead and update it to the Top-Management and Research Department in order to forecast the monthly budget. The process takes 2 hours to complete all the action right from downloading the data dump, deleting the irrelevant records, sorting, counting, summing and formatting. Hence the automation needs to be done to reduce the activity and minimize the consumed time.

Cost-Benefit Analysis (Post Macro Implementation)

Activity # Description Frequency Time Consumed - Manually Time Consumed - After Automation Time Saved Time Saved Per Month
1 Research Sales Tracking 5 120 Minutes 10 Minutes 110 Minutes 550 Minutes

Cost-Benefit Analysis (Post Macro Implementation)


Research Sales Tracking

Frequency (Monthly)

5 Times

Time consumed manually

120 Minutes

Time Consumed for automated activity

10 Minutes

Total time savings per activity

110 Minutes

Total time saved Per month

550 Minutes

Join our 10-day online session and learn how to automate your Excel Reports and Processes using VBA Programming. No prior programming experience needed!.

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Date:
  • Sunday, July 11
  • Time:
  • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (ET)

Proficiency with Excel formulas is a prerequisite. Not sure about your skills? Schedule a pre-assessment at 650-491-3131 to gauge your Excel proficiency.

You'll dive into 90 practical scenarios, explore 7 case studies, and complete a Live VBA Project.

Ready to learn Excel VBA Macro?