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Automation of Vendor / Customer Document Status Retrieval

30 Hours

Before Automation

7.5 Hours

After VBA Automation

22.5 Hours

Time Saved per month

  • Industry:
  • Business Process Outsourcing

Company Profile: It is a Danish business conglomerate with activities in the transport and logistics and energy sectors. It has been the largest container ship and supply vessel operator in the world since 1996, headquartered in Copenhagen.

  • Department:
  •  Finance & Accounts
  • Tool(s) Used:
  • Microsoft Excel VB Programming (Macro) and MS-Access (database)

Need for Automation:

I am required to collate the workload and the current status of every activity for my team which approx. takes 90 minutes of my daily activity – which then will be forwarded to my team manager for resource allocation. In order, to spend more time on the productive work, and avoid getting frustrated with the monotonous work, I look forward to automate this activity.

Cost-Benefit Analysis (Post Macro Implementation)

Activity # Description Frequency Volume (Daily) Time Consumed - Manually Time Consumed - After Automation Total Time Savings Per Activity (per day) Total Time Saved Per month
1 Macro for Extracting Vendor/ Customer Documents Status Report 30 250 60 Mins 15 Mins 45 Mins 1350 Mins
Total 8.75 Hours 1 Minute 8.75 Hours

Cost-Benefit Analysis (Post Macro Implementation)


Macro for Extracting Vendor/ Customer Documents Status Report

Frequency (Monthly)

30 Times

Time consumed manually

60 Minutes

Time Consumed for automated activity

15 Minutes

Total time savings per activity

45 Minutes

Total time saved Per month

1350 Minutes

Time Savings 22.5 Hours
FTHR Benefit 0.75 FTE

Join our 10-day online session and learn how to automate your Excel Reports and Processes using VBA Programming. No prior programming experience needed!.

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Date:
  • Sunday, July 11
  • Time:
  • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (ET)

Proficiency with Excel formulas is a prerequisite. Not sure about your skills? Schedule a pre-assessment at 650-491-3131 to gauge your Excel proficiency.

You'll dive into 90 practical scenarios, explore 7 case studies, and complete a Live VBA Project.

Ready to learn Excel VBA Macro?