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Automation of Credit Card Statement – Analysis, Generation & Email

8 Hours

Before Automation

80 Minutes

After VBA Automation

6.67 Hours

Time Saved per month

  • Industry:
  • Business Process Outsourcing

Company Profile: It is a Danish business conglomerate with activities in the transport and logistics and energy sectors. It has been the largest container ship and supply vessel operator in the world since 1996, headquartered in Copenhagen.

  • Department:
  •  Finance & Accounts
  • Tool(s) Used:
  • Microsoft Excel VB Programming (Macro)

Need for Automation:

I am responsible for sending the corrected Credit Statements to customers on a week on week basis (consuming 108 man-hours effort monthly) for which, the data has to be pulled from SAP, filtered and reconciled with the actuals before emailing it to the respective customers (at times exceeding 100 proposals per day). The activity is really time-consuming and is a high potential for errors, hence an end-to-end automation from pulling out data from SAP to emailing customers shall leave me with enough time to focus on other areas.

Cost-Benefit Analysis (Post Macro Implementation)

Activity # Description Frequency Time Consumed - Manually Time Consumed - After Automation Total Time Savings Per Activity (per day) Total Time Saved Per month
1 Report Automation 4 Times 2 Hours 20 Mins 1.4 Hours 6.6 Hours
Total 8.75 Hours 1 Minute 8.75 Hours

Cost-Benefit Analysis (Post Macro Implementation)


Report Automation

Frequency (Monthly)

4 Time

Time consumed manually

2 Hours

Time Consumed for automated activity

20 Minutes

Total time savings per activity

1.4 Hours

Total time saved Per month

6.6 Hours

Join our 10-day online session and learn how to automate your Excel Reports and Processes using VBA Programming. No prior programming experience needed!.

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Date:
  • Sunday, July 11
  • Time:
  • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (ET)

Proficiency with Excel formulas is a prerequisite. Not sure about your skills? Schedule a pre-assessment at 650-491-3131 to gauge your Excel proficiency.

You'll dive into 90 practical scenarios, explore 7 case studies, and complete a Live VBA Project.

Ready to learn Excel VBA Macro?